”无限未来“学术论坛 I Latent Symmetries Revealed by Graph Theoretical Tools for Topological States


题目: Latent Symmetries Revealed by Graph Theoretical Tools for Topological States

时间:2024年11月28日 星期四 19:00


摘要: Symmetries play substantial role in physics with particular relevance to topology whose

classifications demand predefined symmetries. Recent graph theoretical results show that symmetries can be generalized to be 'hidden', dubbed 'Latent Symmetries'. In this presentation, we'll introduce thebasic principle of Latent symmetries and demonstrate models with emerging Latent symmetry groups and topological edge/corner states.  


高文龙,博士,宁波东方理工大学(暂名)副教授、研究员、博士生导师。入选国家高层次人才计划青年项目、宁波市特优人才。曾任德国帕德博恩大学物理学院博士后研究员、英国伯明翰大学物理与天文学院博士后研究员,2016年于天津大学取得博士学位。近期的研究兴趣为将拓扑物理与图论相结合,揭示由隐藏对称性保护的拓扑物态,丰富了拓扑物态的对称性保护机理;(已在Physical Review LettersScience AdvancesNature CommunicationsLight Science & Applications等期刊以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)发表多篇文章,谷歌学术论文总引用2300余次,H-index 23