“无限未来”学术交流论坛系列活动 | Overview of EM & EDA Technology with Application in 5G/6G, Metamaterials and RCS


报告专家:Dr. Ulrich JakobusALTAIR 电磁与 EDA 高级副总裁、Feko创始人,URSI 委员会和德国 VDE/ITG会员、IEEE FellowACES Fellow






l  Comprehensive EM technology

l  Complex Scenario modelling technology and EM propagation model

l  EDA technology for PCB EMC check and SI/PI/Thermal simulation

l  Engineering Applications for 5G/6G, Metamaterials and complex objects’ RCS



专家简介:Ulrich Jakobus graduated in electrical engineering from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1991. He completed his PhD and Habilitation and became Privatdozent at the same university in 1994 and 1997, respectively. His areas of research included numerical techniques in electromagnetics and their hybridisation, antennas, electromagnetic compatibility, and bio-electromagnetics, laying the foundations for the electromagnetics simulation code Feko in 1991.

Since 2000 Dr. Jakobus has been with EM Software & Systems, focusing on the development and commercialisation of Feko. Through an acquisition, he joined Altair in 2014, and has since then been overseeing the electromagnetic and EDA product development activities at Altair, which beyond Feko include the low frequency electromagnetic solvers Flux & FluxMotor and the electronic products HyperSpice, EEvision, Silicon Debug tools and the PollEx PCB Suite.

Dr. Jakobus is a member of URSI commission B, the German VDE/ITG, Fellow of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), and Fellow of ACES (Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society).