http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/collaboration/global/asia-pacific/talent/fellowship-application.aspx 。
Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship 2012
Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship 2012
Now with even greater rewards and incentives – for 2012, the MSRA Fellowship Program offerseven more competitive benefits forthe outstanding support and encouragement of your research opportunities and interests!
The MSRA Fellowship Program aims to build the next generation of research leaderswith a unique program offering a combination of mentorship, research, networking and academic opportunities to promising young candidates.Since 1999 the program has attracted approximately 850PhD candidates from more than 50 universities in the Asia-Pacific region. From its inception to 2011, 341 outstanding PhD students have been awarded MSRA Fellowship honors or scholarships.
• To recognize and award outstanding junior PhD students in the Asia-Pacific region.
• To empower and encourage students majoring in computer science, electronic engineering, information scienceand appliedmathematics to realize their potential to become future research leaders.
Award provisions
The MSRA Fellowship Program offers some of the industry’s most competitive incentives and rewards, including:
· Cash awards of US$10,000 distributed at one time, which can be used to support research initiatives and academic endeavors including, but not limited to, attending international research conference/events, and covering paper and patent application fees
• Opportunities to attend the 14thComputing in 21st Century – the top academic conference in computer science in the Asia-Pacific region
• Opportunities for a three-month internships (optional) at MSRAsia’s state-of-the-art R&D facility, Microsoft’s largest outside of the United States, in Beijing
• Opportunity for intensive and individual mentorship with a dedicated senior researcher to facilitate research until graduation
• An honorary plaque, to be presented at a formal recognition ceremony
Enrollment is highly competitive and selective, reflecting the high criteria for participation. The conditions of eligibility listed below must be met; applications that do not meet these criteria will not be considered.
• The candidate is enrolled as a PhD student who has already earned a master’s degree and must have been enrolled in an eligible PhD program during or after 2011
The candidate is enrolled in a combined master’s/PhD program at the time of the nomination, and must have been enrolled in an eligible PhD program during or after 2010
• The candidate has no more than three years of research experience before commencing the PhD degree
• The candidate must specialize in one of the following fields: computer science, electronic engineering, information science or applied mathematics
• The candidate must be nominated by an invited institutionwith a recommendation from a PhD supervisor and department head. Direct applications will not be accepted from individuals or universities without invitation from MSR Asia
• Candidates must be seen by their supervisor to have outstanding potential as a researcher
• Previous MSRA Fellows are excluded
• A maximum of two applicants per eligible university will be accepted
The application must include the following:
• Application form to be completed by nominated candidate
• Two recommendation letters from the PhD supervisor and department head are required; each must address specific evaluation criteria
• Curriculum Vitae (CV) to include a detailed list of publications and other academic achievements
• Either a video or PowerPoint presentation with audio introduction (on compact disk), maximum of 20 minutes to include statement of purpose, previous, on-going and future projects, research interests and accomplishments and other related information
• Transcript with academic scores
• Research papers (if candidate has published papers)
Submission process
• E-mail completed application form and CV before the submission deadline July 15, 2012tofellowRA@microsoft.com
• The following, excluding video and audio-PowerPoint, must be submitted as individual hard copy documents in Word, PDF or text-only formatsby July 15:
– Two signed recommendation letters
– CD of video or audio-PowerPoint
– Hard copy of the completed application form
– CV
– Transcript with academic scores
– Research papers (optional)
Mail to:
Microsoft Research Asia Fellow 2012Committee
Attention: Xin Ma
Microsoft Research Asia
14118,Bldg #2, No. 5, Dan Ling Street
Haidian District, Beijing, PRC, 100080
Selection process and criteria
All applications from invited institutions and received by MSR Asia will be reviewed by the Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Committee composed of senior lab researchers and managers. Decisions will be based upon a competitive review based on the following criteria:
• A clear research focus
• A strong academic record, including research publication, previous research experience, transcripts, honors and awards
• Strong leadership qualities, such as demonstrated passion, commitment, creativity, cooperative abilities and communicative skills
• On-site interview with MSR Asia researchers maybe arranged if further details are needed
Schedule and deadlines
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Application submission deadline | July 15,2012 5:00PM Beijing Time |
MSRAsia review ofnominees | August-September2012 |
Fellowship program awards announcement and ceremony at the 14thComputing in the 21st Century Conference | October 25,2012 |
Mid-term report submission | August 2013 |
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Microsoft Research Asia Fellows are required to submit a progress report by August 2013 to fellowRA@microsoft.com.The progress report includes:
- Brief description of research projects
- Publications authored
- Conferences attended
- MSRA Internship interest
Additional information
For questions about the Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Program, see Frequently Asked Questions.
For access to the application form, and the list of invited, participating institutions and other program information, visit the Microsoft Fellowship Program website.
Any questions concerning this program can be addressed to:fellowRA@microsoft.com
Get answers to ffrequently asked questions about the Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship program.
What are the benefits of the MSRA Fellowship?
The MSRA Fellowship encourages and motivates junior PhD students to pursue their research interests while taking tangible and worthwhile steps toward building a future successful career. The internship that comes with the fellowship offers a unique opportunity for young researchers to gain hands-on research experience in China. Moreover, generous financial support offers many opportunities to attend international conferences, network with like-minded peers and potential mentors, and creatively consider and pursue research topics and interests.
If I don’t major in computer science, can I apply?
Yes, you can apply if your major falls in the broad scope ofcomputer science, electronic engineering, information science, or applied mathematics. Our program is open to research areas outside core computer science, but we expect to see a strong computing component in proposed research.
Areas of interest:
· System
· Speech
· Theory
Which university departments are eligible to participate?
This program is open to students from invited universities with eligiblecomputer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, informationscience or automation departments.
Are first year students eligible to apply?
First year students are eligible to apply ifthey have already enrolled as a PhD student by the time of the nomination.However, PhD candidates who have already earned a master’s degree must have been enrolled in an eligible PhD program during or after 2011. Students currently in combined Master’s-PhD programsmusthave been enrolled during or after 2010.
Do I have to be nominated by my university or can I apply on my own?
To be considered for the program, you must be nominated by an eligible department within your university.
How do I submit my application?
You should apply through your university department. Your school contact shoulde-mail a soft copy of your application and CV to the fellowship e-mailbox and mail all required hardcopy materials to the Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Review Committee on your behalf.
When will the nominationresults be announced?
The list of award recipients will be announced at the 14thComputing in 21st Century Conferenceheld in Beijing on October 25, 2012. MSR Asia will not notifyparticipants individually.
If selected, am I required to complete an internship at Microsoft Research?
Internships are encouraged, but not required as part of the fellowship. You may complete a three-month internship at any time after the fellowship awardsare presented in October 2012. For more information aboutinternship opportunities at MSR Asia,please visit theMicrosoft Research Internship Web site.